

Your outings start before you leave the house.

If your dog is overly excited before you even put his leash on, the walk or car ride might not go as well as it should.

Sit and Wait -- calmly -- to put the leash on, or it doesn't go on.

Sit and wait by the door before you exit, or don't go out!

If you're taking Fido to ride, he needs to sit and wait patiently to exit the car. If he can't calm down -- he doesn't get out. (I once worked with a client that it took multiple trips to the pet store over several days before they could get out of the car without a crazy dog).

If you're walking down the street, across the parking lot etc -- he cannot be 6 feet in front of you, pulling you along. If he can't walk along side you without pulling -- No forward progress should happen. Even if that means you don't actually get out of your driveway or make it into the store.

Set the tone for your expectations from the very start.

You'll see amazing changes.


When You Love Too Much


Pet Friendly Outings