Anxiety Medications For Dogs

It’s not just about busting out of crates and ruining the house though that’s a common issue.

I see dogs with anxiety related issues almost daily. Behaviors show up as dogs who tremble in fear, cower in corners, flee when visitors arrive, or panic when an unexpected noise happens.

Perhaps they pace and just never seem settled. Flinch when we surprise them. Maybe they sleep with one eye open ready to react on a moment’s notice.

Anxiety can be a core factor in fear, resource guarding and aggression. It manifests in many ways.

We often focus on one behavior more than others but it is seldom that only one behavior is present. We just may not connect the dots.

Anxiety takes a toll on your dog’s state of mind, his health and well-being, quality of life, and the time you will have with him.

Many vets and behaviorists will want to medicate your dog.

There may be an alternative or three. In my training, we wean the dog off meds under vet care so I can see the authentic dog, and then we go to work with training and natural options. Only 1 dog have I ever recommended needed meds and that was long before I had as many modalities of wellness as I do today. 1 in hundreds.

Many friends and family will recommend remedies that may be on the right track, but perhaps not quite as effective or as quality oriented as we need them to be.

If you have a dog with anxiety of any degree, let’s talk and see what’s possible. You have options!


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Change Is Hard. Wellness & Nutrition Takes Time