The Over Aroused Dog | The Over Trained Dog

Training Adrenalized Dog

Your dog's state of mind should be at the core of every action you take with him.

If he's excited, aroused and highly adrenalized, it is not the time to go to the pet store, the dog park, or maybe even out for a walk out of your drive way.

It's possible to work with your dog into a create a calm state of mind and that should be your goal. Getting your dog in a calm-state of mind is the first step, before moving to the next level of distraction.

When An Obedient Dog is Not a Calm Dog

It's not about obedience. Yes, of course we need to work skills and have a way for the dog to listen and take action. Working the dog is a good thing. But if we’re working them only with speed, fear of correction, anticipation of the the next skill or being released we are missing the mark. We to to work these dogs to a state of relaxation and being settled, calm and having no expectation of what’s coming next.

The most obedient dog can still be in the wrong state of mind. Example: a dog who waits to exit a threshold, but who is sitting on go and bursts out on release. A dog on place that is only waiting to be released. A dog in sit vibrating in his skin waiting on the next command.

Learn More About An Over-Trained Dog and Dog in the Wrong State of Mind in this video


Arousal & State of mind is usually what leads to many problems.

Duration work, relaxation techniques, and potentially even interrupting or correcting the wrong state of mind will make a huge difference. You will need to exercise patience and work in many lessons “until” your dogs energy shifts gears.

If you need help -- take the steps to get it.


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