Add Water To Your Dogs Food

It takes moisture to digest foods.   Moisture is essential to metabolism.

Think about when your dog eats dry kibble -- where does the moisture come from that starts to break it down.    Whatever is in the system already or what may go in through drinking water. And even though you have a fresh bowl of water down each day, he may not be drinking enough water.

Dry Kibble is only about 10% moisture (you’ll find that on the label). Raw food diets are typically around 75% moisture!

Remember it takes kibble about 15 hours to begin converting into usable energy.   Part of that is because it has to get hydrated first!    So where does that moisture come from?   Other organs -- including the heart, skin, kidneys.  It's called organ robbing

To make the digestive process start more effectively without robbing other vital organs of moisture, add a little warm water to your dog's kibble bowl.

Hydration issues, missing vitamins & minerals or other nutrients could be a contributing factor to your dog’s allergies, skin condition, kidney issues, or other health concerns. Hydration is a MUST!

Or better yet — shift to RAW diet that is well hydrated, whole food, nutrient rich, and healthy for your dog! Contact me today to discuss Volhard Diets or making your own.


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Aggression, Arousal, Anticipation, Anxiety & The Over Trained Dog