A Tired Dog Is Still An Aggressive Dog

A Tired Dog Is a Happy Dog — but A Tired Aggressive Dog Is Still An Aggressive Dog

Too many people mislead by others into thinking we just need to exercise the dog.  A Tired Dog is a Happy Dog — we’ve all heard it. And there are many people with aggressive, reactive or behaviorally challenged dogs who believe this will be true for their dog too. Many people think the dog will be too tired to act on his behavior, if we just exercise them or play with them to the point of exhaustion.

I think it’s a load of Bs to think that a tired dog is a happy dog, when the dog is aggressive.

While I am a firm believer in exercise and working to fulfill a dog with the instincts of his breed... the notion of a long walk doesn’t touch the root cause. 

Running a dog who is “aggressive”, either with you or on a treadmill, or worse on his own builds a great athlete with endurance and stamina who is still willing to use his teeth if the moment is right. Fetch is fun but usually not “work”. Walking is usually leisurely with most owners not really engaged (leading) with the dog at all. 

My dog will be extremely tired after a romp on on the beach or a game of flirt pole... yours may be too. But I assure you a dog with aggression will not be too tired to care about the object of his aggression if provoked. 

You must work to change the decisions he makes and the action he chooses first through training, leadership, and appropriate corrections. 

Hire a pro. Trust me you will learn things you never have considered.


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